obsessing over: my brown boots i just bought a few weeks ago from Ross. i plan my outfits around them, and basically wear them everytime i go out of the house these days. i'm pretty sure josh is sick of them, but he deals ;)
thinking about: the rice crispy treats i just made that are sitting on the counter. and how even though i just had one, i want to eat about 5 more. it may happen, even though its basically my bedtime right now... ahhh, consequences!
anticipating: so many things. mostly henry (duh), but also christmas, christmas vacation, christmas treats, and oh yeah... henry!
listening to: right now chelsea lately is on. as far as music, the only time i really listen to music anymore is in the car, and i listen to the alternative rock station. my ipod is ghetto and decided it doesn't like working anymore, so that option is out :/
drinking: ice water. thats mostly what i drink these days. i was on a blue gatorade kick for a while, but then when i was sick this past week i barfed and i had been drinking a lot of blue gatorade... and yeah... i'm sort of off that kick now. i do still love me some sprite or berry 7-up though!
wishing: it was christmas vacation already!! oh, and that henry will come soon :) but maybe not tooo soon, since i havent packed a hospital bag yet... maybe i should get around to doing that one of these days!
[[confession/update - in the writing of this post i have consumed 3 rice crispy treats. don't judge. they are delicious!]]
you best pack that hospital bag. We need you looking fab when you come home. I am so excited too! :)
Yeah go pack that bag asap! You never know when you will need to randomly call someone to go get it! LOL!
We will be out for Christmas and I hope Henry is there before we leave so I can meet this little angel boy!
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