and 2 + 1 = 3 (josh, jess, jay-z)
and 3 + 1 = 4 (josh, jess, jay-z, henry)
whaaaaat!? well, a miracle has happened. after over a year and a half of trying, and being told we would never be able to have a child naturally, it happened. if you had to assign a number to our chances of becoming pregnant on our own, it would be a 0.1% chance. [side note: thats better than most forms of birth control]. there really is no scientific explanation at all, its truly just a miracle.
on may 2nd i threw up a couple times, felt awful, and thought i had the flu. the next day (our anniversary) i stayed home from work, not wanting to give anyone the flu. i went to walmart to get gatorade and saltines, and bought a pregnancy test (mostly for kicks). when i went home i knew the test would be negative, but i figured i would check anyways. said positive. i started sobbing uncontrollably and double checked the test and the instructions that came with the test. then i called josh and told him. at first he thought i was joking. then it really sunk in that it was for real. in a shocked voice, he said "well...happy anniversary...!?"
we decided not to tell anyone about the pregnancy until we found out the gender. because we shouldn't have even gotten pregnant in the first place, i was extremely worried about the baby. thankfully i haven't had any serious problems so far. my progesterone levels were low, so i've had to be on a supplement for 2 months. i'm really glad the doctor caught it. besides that, i've just had normal fun morning sickness. i've puked in a lot of interesting places (outside my office, at the mall, in parking lots, while driving, in trash cans, etc). for the past few weeks i've been feeling a lot better (which is amazing), and i've been gaining lots of weight. by my 8th week i had lost about 7 pounds from morning sickness. since then i've gained about 9 pounds back.
today marks 15 weeks, and we found out the gender. we had both been feeling that it was a boy, but were uncertain the last couple weeks because statistically with sperm issues (ew, sorry), it should have been a girl. turns out our original hunch was correct: we are having a boy!

Henry is due December 31, 2011, and we couldn't be more excited. ♥
ps: the fact that we are miraculously having a baby does not change anything we've been through. and we are well aware this could be the only baby we'll ever have. i think that our experiences have really just made this blessing that much sweeter.
Omg!!! Jess and Josh I am soooo happy for you! I know this was your dream. You will be great parents! Seriously congrats!
What an amazing blessing! I am so so happy for you! You are one beautiful Momma!
We are dealing with infertility issues and even though we have Ava its hard not knowing what the future has in store for us as far as having more children. However it does make me appreciate every moment we have with her even more because according to our doctors she really statistically shouldn't be here.
Anyway what wonderful news! He is going to be ONE CUTE BOY!
I am SO happy for you guys! Congratulations! That's so great! You are such a cute pregnant lady and are going to be an amazing Mom. :)
JESS!!!! That is SOOOO AMAZING!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!
eeeek! That is SO exciting. I'm way happy for you guys. CONGRATS!
Jess (and Josh) I'm SOOOO happy for you guys!!! I thought from the math equation you were adopting! I'm happy for you to see that bump on your belly!!! I always feel bad for parents that don't get the pregnancy experience with having children. So glad you do!!! It was something I looked forward to.
Yeah!!! Happy day!!!!
Love you guys!!!
Sue (Geffe)
You look so cute pregnant!!!! I'm so so happy for you!!
Oh wow!!! So many congratulations!!!! Good things come to those who wait. :)
Oh my goodness, this made me tear up. Congratulations! I'm so, SO happy for you both. You look absolutely beautiful, and just YAY!
aww, thank you everyone for being so nice and so sweet. we really appreciate it :)
Oh my gosh! Jess I seriously almost started crying when I read this!!! I am SO excited for you guys!!!!!!! CONGRATS JOSH AND JESS!!!
One day you are at my wedding with curly out of control hair and glasses to boot - then you are off to college with duo-toned, pin straight hair, and being all grown up "Jess" (not Jessica). Then you are getting married, getting a cat and buying a house - and now THIS!!!! (Did I miss anything?)! Oh my Heavens to Betsy!!! This news rocked my world today! I'm so happy for you and can't wait to see baby Henry!!! When you are ready for heavy doses of unsolicited advice - call me/email me/text me - what ever works for ya - I've got the goods! Off to do my happy dance for you!!! Congrats to the soon to be mommy & daddy! Enjoy your "after" moments!! (as in after the trial of your faith!) Great job!! -kg
Oh sweetie I'm so happy for you guys! I've been totally MIA with moving and stuff lately but I' so glad I saw this news! Yay! Congrats again!
Can I just say that I am so happy the secret is out? Because it was killing me. I am so excited to meet Henry!! Mona Jean will be in love, I just know it.
Congrats! That is absoltely wonderful. We are so happy for you :)
Wow! I'm so happy for you!!!
very exciting indeed! congrats!
WHOA!!!!! YES!!!!
Congratulations! This is so exciting. My babe was due decemeber 30th and we were hoping for a new years baby. It didn't happen for us but maybe for you! Little boys are so fun too!
congratulations!! that is so amazing and what a lovely anniversary present :)
aw this made me so happy. congratulations again. have you heard of those morning sickness lollipops? ive always wanted to know someone with morning sickness so i could buy some for them but everyone announces pregnancies after the sickness is over. anyways, you should check them out.
Thank you everyone :) its amazing how nice and supportive everyone has been!
Rubi, I actually looked into those when I was feeling horrible but I didn't think to check etsy! They were pretty pricey on amazon, so I ended up getting ginger hard candy (which worked ok) and lemonheads (worked the best). I still get nauseous about 1-2 days a week, so maybe I will try these!!
congrats jess!!! i am so excited for the two of you!! you will be such a good mom!!!!!! =)
awww jess! congratulations!!! so happy for you! :D
OK so I saw on FB that you were pregnant a while ago, but I didn't have time to read the blog post till now (having a 4 month old puts a lot of other things on hold sometimes, you'll see ;)Anyway, I love this post, it made me tear up a little, I remembered my own joy and fear at finally being pregnant with Eliana. I can't express in words how happy I am for you. You will be a wonderful mommy and Henry is very lucky.
Ps Thanks for the love on my blog, I love comments <3
Unbelievable! Congratulations. The bumpy road will make you even stronger parents and people. Hope you are feeling much better soon and enjoy the little one inside of you. He's going to be darling!
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