Tuesday, June 25, 2013

world traveler, part 2

For part one of my traveling saga, refer to this post. I left off talking about going to Vegas. So the same day I drove back home from Eagle Mountain (3 hour drive), I also drove to Vegas (2.5 hour drive). I got carsick on the way to Vegas, which was really fun, but it was like a billion degrees and I'm pregnant. So...it happens.

 We went to Vegas with our friends Ryan and Natalie to go see Ke$ha in concert. Her music is just so fun to dance to, and since watching her show on tv I actually really like her, so we planned a little weekend getaway around it! Friday night was spent eating and looking around at shops on the strip. We also watched some street performers, including a little dance crew--who actually pulled me in to dance with them. There were three guys with a whole routine they performed, and one of them pulled me out of the audience and started slow dancing with me. Then all of the sudden the music changed and they all started booty-poppin' around me. So of course I joined in. The audience got a big kick out of it, and I'm sure it was because I have a bowling ball stuck on my stomach ;) It was fun. Ryan got it on video and I still need to download it from him!!

Saturday morning was spent relaxing at the pool. We stayed at the Renaissance, which had a pretty decent pool that we took advantage of. And because my husband and friends are all juiceheads (into fitness), there were lots of funny posing pictures involved.

Natalie and I are ready to rock n roll


the group :) or as i referred to us on instagram, #juiceheadcrew
Saturday consisted of pool time and some shopping. I love Vegas because there are so many fun stores to shop at. The only sad thing is that when I'm pregnant it's sort of hard to shop for my first love--clothes. So I mostly looked at accessories haha.

Saturday night we were ready to go see Ke$ha! The concert was really fun and we danced our booties off! The weird thing is that Ke$ha was touring with Pitbull. And while he has some fun dance music, their audiences are pretty different. It almost felt like 2 separate concerts. And surprisingly in Vegas, most people were there for Pitbull. So we were like "YAYYY, KE$HA!!!" and everyone around us was just sitting down, waiting for Pitbull to get on stage... kind of awkward... Hopefully when she goes on tour again in the future she'll pick someone better to tour with that has a similar audience...

we all look ridiculous, so no one be mad i'm posting this picture hahaha
i met a Pitbull lookalike. he was loving all the attention. and his friend felt left out so i let him pose with us too ;)
Sunday was cut short a little as I realized that there was a time difference from Vegas to Utah, and that I had told my SIL I would pick up Henry at a certain time. Oops. So we got to sleep in a little, and then it was off again to drive home. So we drove the 2.5 hours home, and then I traveled solo back up to Eagle Mountain (3 hours). By the time I got to Henry I was pooped, but soooo happy to see my little munchkin! Of course he was so happy with all his cousins he had barely noticed I was gone. Allegedly he walked towards the door and asked "mama? mama?" a couple times over the weekend. But Sarah might have made that up to make me feel better ;)

On Monday we had a free day so we were able to meet up with a couple of our friends last minute. We saw my friend Jen and all her chilluns, which was fun. Henry had a runny nose so I made sure he didn't get anywhere near her sweet baby!! Monday night we met up with my friend Betsy (and her husband and adorable daughter Presley!), and after some dinner we all hit up their pool for a bit. They had a little toddler pool which was perfect for Henry to splash around in. I wish I'd gotten a picture with him and Presley together, but I've been trying to be better lately about not being addicted to my phone. So I just pulled it out once to snap this :)

water baby
On Tuesday we had Henry's pediatrician appointment. That is the reason we stayed up north for a couple days, because I am in love with Henry's doctor. Her name is Sarah Ashby and she works for UV Pediatrics, so if you are looking for a pediatrician she is AMAZING!!! For real. This was our last appointment with her though, because now that George will be coming soon I'll have to actually get a doctor down here. Booo :( I tried asking Dr. Ashby if she would move to Cedar City. It didn't work... To see all of Henry's percentiles and even more cute pictures, check out his blog here.

After his appointment Henry and I hit the road for our last leg of the journey. We drove the three hours back home and arrived last Tuesday night. Since then we have been recuperating!! I told myself I wasn't leaving my house ever again, but this weekend I have a baby shower to go to up north, so it looks like I'm breaking my promise. I'm trying to drag Josh along with me though so I don't have to drive. I've had enough of that! ;)

1 comment:

Liv said...

what a fun weekend!! except for all the hours spent driving.