Friday, May 25, 2012

curb appeal

we are really proud of ourselves... we actually did stuff to our flower bed out front. last year we didn't do anything, until my dad literally had to buy flowers and plant them for us last summer when he was on vacation up here. then we left all the dead plants in there over the winter. gardening just isn't really my thing, to be honest. which is funny, because i love plants. i wish i had taken a before picture, but just imagine a crusty light brown rectangle, and thats it (no rocks, no nice/dark topsoil, etc). and now, for the reveal.....(drum roll!):

ta daaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
doesn't the front of our house look all pretty now? and look how nice our lone maple tree looks! 
ps: i spy with my little eye, joshy in that last picture! hahaha. happy summer :)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I miss you guys lots! love the new flower bed :)