Friday, September 17, 2010

i like...

this song. the first time i heard it i didn't like it. then i listened to it a couple times and now i love it. funny how that works out, huh?

speaking of "the best of times, the end of times," after today i only have 9 more days of work left. then i am thrown into the scary unknown of unemployment. i've been applying to various jobs and have a couple of prospects, but nothing planned as of yet. i try not to think about it, because when i do i sort of freak myself out. my last day is september 30, which is quickly approaching. please keep your fingers crossed that: a) i won't freak out and lose my mind; b) someone will want to hire me; and c) we'll still be able to pay all our bills. haha. thanks ♥

ps: hi joseph gordon-levitt. i love you even more for this.


Laura said...

I was in your shoes not that long ago. Recent enough to know that it isn't any fun and that hearing "Something will work out" is probably getting really old right now. I do believe that is the case though and I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

leyla / Too Much of a Good thing said...

My fingers and toes are crossed for you. My husband isn't working right now and it stresses me out. We're totally fine money-wise - my job isn't going anywhere and unemployment will get him through but's scary. Good luck!

Diana Mieczan said...

Ohh I will keep my fingers crossed. I bet you will find a great new job in notime:)
Wish you a relaxing weekend

Emelro said...

that song is crazy! and just know, jess, i would hire you if i could to walk around with me so people might think i'm a model too. what?! i said it.

kelli g. { bug miscellany } said...

hahaha JGL is the shiz!

i'm keeping my fingers crossed AND sending you good juju - job hunts suck. period. i hope yours is short and painless. :)

heather said...

Fingers crossed for you, Jess! I hope it's a quick process for you! And that you are able to enjoy a tiny little bit of time away from the grind sans worry!

Happy weekend!

Elaine said...

I'm unemployed too... We'll go through this together!!

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