i found this fun little survey on smile & wave a while back, and now i'm finally getting around to doing it! have fun...
1. When do you feel happiest?
snuggling with Josh and Jay-Z, preferably on the couch watching a good movie.
2. How do you take care of yourself?
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
a combination. more like other people spark my motivation but ultimately it's up to myself to actually DO things.
4. What do you do for fun?
go shopping, play cards, watch movies, play laser tag, eat lots of food, watch tv, play games, and get pretty (yes, that's fun to me), and anything with GOOD FRIENDS!
5. What intimidates you?
pretty people. smart people. bugs. exercise.6. What is something you're proud of?
i graduated from college. hollaaaaa.
7. Finish this sentence. I never thought i would be married this young (but i'm very glad i am!)
8. Favorite vacation spot.
Australia! can i please go back?? i went there in high school and absolutely LOVE it! although i would like to go to hawaii. or europe. but specifically: tangalooma island resort in australia.
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
7. maybe a 7.5. but i just watched the lovely bones and it might have gone down to a 4. barf.
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know my husband is funnier than i am, but i dont like to admit it. (don't tell him i said that)
do this, its fun i promise!
[all pics from weheartit]
1 comment:
oh the roach on the face totally got me. ewwww I'd second that one!
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