Friday, February 11, 2011

motivational design week: day 5

day 5: bedrooms

i always want our bedroom to look really fancy and nice. i havent gotten it together yet, mostly because we're poor. this time we're [slowly but maybe surely] getting it together. cheers to inspiration:

all pics from

we're thinking purple walls. that's about as far as i've gotten so far... how do you decorate your bedroom???


Chelsea said...

I love the first bed and the roses poster on the wall of the last room. so cute and unique.

angelina la dawn said...

i totally agree! someday when we have money and time we will have a luxurious {and adorable} bedroom too!

Emily and Derek said...

Umm.... so my friend did one of her walls in a chevron pattern. I think purple and cream chevron would be pretty mush rockin :)

kelli g. { bug miscellany } said...

oooh purple walls! sassy! :)

Liv said...

Emily's chevron idea sounds AWESOME!! Purple and cream or grey could be a great mix in the bedroom. Soothing but still with a punch.