i have a new obsession. fabric. i look online all the time for cool fabric. ahhh...if only i were rich...
also, in totally unrelated news, i went to the doctor today and got like 6 blood tests, and medicine for people with stomach inflammation/ulcers. we'll see what happens i guess.
Hey Jess, since you are sick, maybe it would be better if you moved in with Sarah and I moved out for awhile. You can probably relate better to her and help her more. Good idea right? Just kidding, I am so excited only 7 months to go!! Its getting better everyday!! Hope she doesn't read this.
Jess, I love all those, they are great. FYI - After going months saying she is never getting married (b/c that makes you old and when you are old you die) Sunny informed me that she would like to get married, but only if you can be there and make her a wedding dress with your sewing machine. I said yes for you, so have fun with that. We should get together and you could teach me how to sew some simple dresses for my girls.
Regarding being sick. Been there, done that. Even did a test where they injected radioactive dye into me to check my gallbladder. All my tests came back fine and they put me on prevacid (which did nothing). Eventually I stopped being sick, but it took awhile and I had to quit my other meds.
Hopefully this fixes it for you. It sucks to be sick all the tiime.
i wouldnt mind living with sarah, then she could share her drugs. maybe something would work for me. also sarah, lets sew soon. i have been delinquent about it lately because i feel like no one else likes what i make. oh well.
hails from maine, lives in utah, basically a unicorn, nail art lover, wannabe model, recycling fanatic, crafty crafter, happy wife, obsessed mom, and silly treehugger ♥
Hey Jess, since you are sick, maybe it would be better if you moved in with Sarah and I moved out for awhile. You can probably relate better to her and help her more. Good idea right? Just kidding, I am so excited only 7 months to go!! Its getting better everyday!! Hope she doesn't read this.
Look for fabric on etsy for sure!! I know that blogger from "How About Orange" has some great fabric but I've never paid attn to her pricing.
I hope the meds help you feel better!! Eating is so nice and it's sad when you can't do it.
Kiss my *ss Ryan!
Jess, I love all those, they are great. FYI - After going months saying she is never getting married (b/c that makes you old and when you are old you die) Sunny informed me that she would like to get married, but only if you can be there and make her a wedding dress with your sewing machine. I said yes for you, so have fun with that. We should get together and you could teach me how to sew some simple dresses for my girls.
Regarding being sick. Been there, done that. Even did a test where they injected radioactive dye into me to check my gallbladder. All my tests came back fine and they put me on prevacid (which did nothing). Eventually I stopped being sick, but it took awhile and I had to quit my other meds.
Hopefully this fixes it for you. It sucks to be sick all the tiime.
Design and make your own! You'd be AWESOME at it!!!
Whoa, Sarah, come on now. That language is a little harsh. Jess is going to have to start moderating her comments. I still love you Sarah.
i wouldnt mind living with sarah, then she could share her drugs. maybe something would work for me. also sarah, lets sew soon. i have been delinquent about it lately because i feel like no one else likes what i make. oh well.
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