Sunday, January 3, 2016

hello's me...

word of the year: authentic
last years word of the year was outgoing. and i think i did a pretty decent job. i'm quite an introvert but i've been able to be more and more outgoing throughout the years. now i can strike up a conversation with basically anyone. the purple hair helps i guess ;)

goals for the year:
-work out all my muscle groups every week, and start doing cardio or walking at least once every week (i hate cardio but i know i need it...ugh...)
-go to sleep before midnight, and wake up before my kids wake up (unless they occasionally wake up freakishly early. not cool.)
-buy an awesome house in a great neighborhood and not break the bank by doing so
-read at least 8 books (5 was my goal last year and I even surpassed that!)
-choose to be happy every morning when I wake up, and tell myself it's going to be an awesome day

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